If there's one thing that most content creators have in common is their ability to communicate an idea in a relevant and impactful way. The most talented creators are also able to influence their audience in someway. Being able to do it frequently is the greatest challenge for any content creator. Sure there are frameworks, theories and steps a creator would take regularly to frame the story being told, but as for the content itself it requires a depth of inspiration and truthfulness that doesn't miraculously appear by merely pressing a button.

Whether the goal is to inform an audience, make them laugh, cry, think or influence them to take an action, content should always have some sort of impact on the audience. People are more likely to remember the things that made them feel something, as emotions are like shortcuts to our brain that makes it easier to find memories.

“The experience of emotion enhances our memories. A normal function of emotion is to enhance memory in order to improve recall of experiences that have importance or relevance for our survival. Emotion acts like a highlighter that emphasizes certain aspects of experiences to make them more memorable”. Shahram Heshmat Ph.D., Psychology Today

how to begin

Setting intentions and goals should precede any content creation process, even before you start concepting any images, words, dishes, etc. We recommend that you start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What is the story I am trying to tell and what message do I want to pass on?
  • Is this message relevant to my audience? 
  • What do I want them to feel and think?
  • What's the most adequate channel and format to tell my story? (most time it's influenced by where your audience is)

The channel you select will influence your creative process. If you decide to write a blog post, text will become the primary focus of your story, but if you're creating for Instagram then most likely you'll be focusing on the visual dynamics. The rules vary based on the channel and the format, for which is important that you understand the rules of each channel beforehand.

There are hundreds of variables to consider when creating content. We have picked 5 that we believe will give you a head start when starting your new journey as a content creator:


Before you decide to become a content creator, assess your passions and look for a topic that you are genuinely interested about or that you are skilled or have some knowledge of. If you think that you actually have not much to say about a particular topic, but you are very interested to learn more about it, then invest some time going through as much information about it as possible. Look for other people already creating about that topic, reach out to them, watch Youtube videos, read books and articles that can give you a better idea of the topic and gradually you'll begin to form your own opinion and your voice. This way, you'll be able to add value to your future audience while sharing a bit of yourself.

“Big ideas come from the unconscious. This is true in art, in science, and in advertising. But your unconscious has to be well informed, or your idea will be irrelevant.” David Ogilvy, Founder of Ogilvy Ad Agency

If being a content creator is something that you aspire to, you should make sure you are enjoying the process and that you feel motivated to keep going. If you find yourself constantly talking to your friends about your passions, but they really don't get it then maybe it's time to share it with a broader community that shares the same passion.

2. InvesT TIME CONCEPTING AND bringing it to life🤳

This is where the fun begins! Execution stage is where you get to transform your idea into
a format that can be shared with your audience. Doing it requires creative talent and, as so, your commitment in growing your skills and your work ethic will set you apart.

There's no point in trying to rush it. Even if you feel you are being slow, it's ok. Being able to learn the fundamentals and develop a work ethic are skills that you can take with you through your journey and will help you become faster as you progress.

At Berdi, we believe that the content is the most important element of a submission, as it's what influences the impact it will have on a creator's audience. Bringing to life your creation may demand a combination of different elements, such as image, text and video. Start by prioritising which ones to focus on and develop your skills in each. Here are some pages and courses you can use to deepen your knowledge in different creative skills:

There are also thousand of books that you can read about your favourite topics. Information and knowledge is being shared all around you, all it takes is for you to take the first step.

If you'd like to know more, check out this blog post on How to create high quality content


Your content should be created with the goal to be shared and consumed by your audience, for which if you want it to be relevant for them you must know what content resonates better with them. Being able to adapt to your audience is a skill that will help you grow your community. You have at your disposal multiple tools that help you filter through key trends, themes and topics related to your area of expertise. We share some tools that you can start using now and for free:

However, let's be clear that tools will never replace a direct conversation with your audience. If you wish to build a community that follows your work, make sure to collect ongoing feedback about their perception of your work and ask them what else would they like to see from you. When you're collecting feedback, make sure not to focus on the positive or go on a compliment tour. Look instead for opportunities to improve and grow. You will always have people that like and dislike your work and both are important in your journey.

“How well we communicate is determined not by how well we say things, but how well we are understood.” – Andrew Grove


Building your own work routine and consistency is fundamental to keep you going, otherwise you will be slowing down your development and risking losing excitement for not reaching a broad audience soon enough. Remember there are thousands of other creators wanting to be heard, for which is important that you find your way to be committed and stand out from the crowd.

Look to share relevant content as frequent as possible. You don't have to necessarily set up a rigid content schedule, as sometimes it may take you longer to crack a creative challenge, but look to set frequency targets and commit to fixed days of working.


There are many opportunities to make money creating content, but make sure not to sell yourself short. Credibility comes from being loyal to yourself and your ideals. Brands are starting to look for authentic and genuine content created by their own consumers, as it comes from a real life experience and thus, will be more impactful and generate better results for them. By risking to work with all brands you are limiting your potential and cutting your content career short. Look instead for the brands that you use regularly and look for a way yo match those recommendations into your profile and always question if a product recommendation makes sense to your audience?

We all consume brands on a daily basis, that we buy ourselves with no external incentive. These are the ones that represent a genuine influence. That's why in Berdi, content creators don't get free samples, as they are expected to already be consumers of a brand's products or at least be willing to try them. They instead get paid to create and publish the content to their audiences.

If you'd like to try working with brands by recommending their products through your social media pages, make sure to work on your creative execution as well as monitor your profile page performance, with metrics such as organic reach potential of your page and engagement rate of your publications. These are all the product of the quality and relevance of your content to your audience, so make sure you are following it closely and iterating when required.


At Berdi, we are committed to building a place where content creators and brands get together to tell authentic stories and create relevant content.

We believe that original ideas and extraordinary content is the result of many different experiences and skills. We believe that creativity should be celebrated and that there's many talented people yet to be discovered.

Through our platform, we allow any creator to find more work opportunities, whatever their experience or skillset. If you are not yet certain that being a content creator is the right thing for you, check Berdi and give it a try. It's 100% FREE. You can register as a creator here: https://app.berdicontent.com/register